Ethiopian Sunrise from the roof of the Hilton

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Praise is starting to walk! It started with standing alone, then walking pushing her cart, now she has walked about 12 steps! She has made some amazing progress in just 6months.


Don't Mess With Mommy said...

Wow! Look at her go! Your hearts must be bursting. She's adorable.

Jenn said...

i had to come on and check out praise after emailing back and forth today. what a beauty! i am glad she is doing so well!

Leslie said...

She is terrific!

Mom to many said...

I was so happy to see all the new posts. I have not checked in awhile and I am thrilled - she is sooo cute. Hope you find out about the weight gain. She is a tiny little peanut. We now have our referral and are just waiting for a court date - June 10th is the lucky day... I hope. We can't wait.

Teresa said...

Yay Praise! What a great milestone for such an amazing little girl!
I absolutely love seeing pictures of her, she is so beautiful.
We recently received our referral and I imagine what our 3 month old will look like at Praise's age. I can't wait to hold her in my arms!

Anonymous said...

awesome- she is too cute!

Eileen and Jerry Mestas said...

Congratulations!!! It is so good to see her thriving and progressing so well. Praise Be to the LORD! He is so amazing and what an awesome ministry you have!! Thank you for sharing it with us. We think of you often and hope to see you again some day! Blessings to you all!!

LISA said...

Great to see she's doing so well!