Ethiopian Sunrise from the roof of the Hilton

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

more health issues

Praise was diagosed with pancreatic insufficency, which means that her body does not make the enzymes to digest proteins and fats. She is going to be on a special medication that she takes before meals to help her. Hopefully this will stop the diarrhea and help her to gain some more weight.Please pray that this works for her and that she is able to put on some more weight. Thanks!


Brad and Fran Hoagland said...

Well, heres prayers coming your way! Hopefully the meds will help out alot.

Teresa said...

Always praying for your little Praise. I will pray specifically for the pancreatic issues. She is a fighter! God will take care of your precious one.

Anonymous said...

We will keep praying for her (and the rest of your family) Bill

LISA said...

Poor kiddo!Sure didn't need something else going on.I'll be praying for her!

Anonymous said...

HI Michelle,

It has been a while since I haev checked your blog and I am thrilled to see pictures of Praise walking! ALthough it is hard to see her get another diagnosis, I am sure you are glad to knwo why she hasn't been gaining weight. I am sure God is watching out for her and will help her to process her food and make gains in her health. Just so you know, I am back with Children's Hope in the NY office so you can call if you need anything! -Emily

Annie said...

Will continue to pray for that little angel :)

Toni Lynch said...

You were the perfect family for Praise no doubt about it!!! :) I am so glad you are doing whatever you can to get her to gain weight, I pray that the medicine will work and that she will soon start to gain a few pounds here and there....she is darling nevertheless. Give her a squeeze from Toni Lynch from CHI

Mom to many said...

Prayers are with you and your family. Blessings to you all.