Ethiopian Sunrise from the roof of the Hilton

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dr. visit

We went for Praise's checkup. We always test her viral load, (the amount of HIV in her blood ) and her CD4 count(the amount of good immune cells) Her viral load was 16,000 down from 48,000! This without any drugs. Her immune system is still testing in the normal range.
She has not gained that much weight, she was 18lbs 1 ounce.She is having chronic diarrhea so we think that is why she is not putting on the weight. We are going to get an appointment with a GI specialist, please pray we will find out what is wrong.

I will post some more pictures soon!


Teresa said...

So good to hear her numbers are down and her immune system in the normal range! Yay!

I will be praying for Praise's appointment with the GI specialist. Praying that you get some answers.

Can't wait for more pictures!

HollyMarie said...

Praying! It is so hard when our little ones aren't feeling quite right. What a praise that her counts are so good!

Anonymous said...

We will keep praying for her Bill.