Ethiopian Sunrise from the roof of the Hilton

Monday, July 28, 2008

Before and after

Wow!!!I just had to put some pictures side by side. Here is December of 2007 and July 2008.


Anonymous said...

I just stumbled across your blog for the the first time tonight. God Bless you for opening your heart to this dear child! The world would be a better place if we all had such loving hearts as yours!

Praise is a beautiful little girl and I am certain that you bring her as much happiness and love as she brings to you.

Mom to many said...

Amazing to look back at the picture from only 7 months ago. She looks like she is doing well. I hope her medicine works and she is on her way to gaining weight... Blessings to you all.

Anonymous said...

Wow! God is so good. We love you all! Mike and Terrie

Nikki said...

She is beautiful and has grown and changed so much!

Nikki --> blog stylizing to raise money for my Ethiopia mission trip!

McMary said...

What an amazing transformation. God is so wise--he made the best match with you and Praise.

Anonymous said...

OK, Bill, time for an update. Lets see some more pictures of your little cutie!
Bill Cole

Dave and Rae said...

You guys are inspiring. I'm working now on a new HIV+ orphanage in Ethiopia...

I also thought to write and tell you about the new guest home in Ethiopia specifically for adoptive parents and volunteer groups for the benefit of orphans in Ethiopia. Now that it is up and running, we would love to share the vision with other adoptive parents. You can see more at

If you would like to post a link, send me an email at and I’ll forward you the information.


Dave McIlrath, MA
Orphan Advocate
Ethiopia Guest Home
More Than a Place to Stay

Julie said...

Hi, I just poped over from the Yahoo group to see pictures of your sweet girl. I can not believe how much she has grown and changed. She is just beautiful!