Ethiopian Sunrise from the roof of the Hilton

Monday, July 28, 2008

Before and after

Wow!!!I just had to put some pictures side by side. Here is December of 2007 and July 2008.

Praise has been on her new medication for her digestive problems since June 25th, it is helping her. She has gained over 2 lbs, and continues to gain.She has much less stomach pain and is very happy.She is walking everywhere now, no more crawling, she is almost running. It is amasing to see how far she has come. She goes back to the Dr. Sept 9th to start on her HIV drugs.
She had some recent blood work come back with high white blood cells, they are trying to find an infection to explian this, we have not gotten any results yet.
Thanks to all those that faithfully pray for little Praise.